Identify Herbicide Damage to Crops and Ornamental Plants

Herbicide damage websiteIdentifying non-target crop and ornamental plant damage from herbicides has become much easier, with the launch of a new online photo repository by the University of California Statewide IPM Program.

Dr. Kassim Al-Khatib, weed science professor at UC Davis and director of the UC IPM program, gathered nearly a thousand photos of herbicide-damaged plants, drawn from his own and others’ research. The images are cataloged to show damage that can occur from 81 herbicides in more than 14 specific modes of action.

Each image is labeled with the name of the plant, mode of action of the herbicide, and notes the specific symptoms of damage. Together these photos provide a comprehensive archive of damage to over 120 different crops and ornamental plants by known herbicides, which users can easily compare with what they see in the field.

Also included in the repository is information about the modes of action of various herbicides and an index of example herbicide trade names and active ingredients.

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