Toolkit for Assessing IPM Outcomes and Impacts
The Western IPM Center’s IPM Adoption and Impacts Assessment Work Group, a collection of natural and social scientists from across the country, created online resources showing IPM researchers how to conduct basic impact assessments.
The online resources include an introduction to impact assessment, and modules on surveys, economic analysis, focus groups, secondary data, caase studies, interviews and social network analysis. Chapters within each module include when a measurement or method is appropriate, what to collect, how to collect it, how to analyze it and how to report it.
At the International IPM Symposium in March 2015, members of the worksgroup conducted a professional development workshop. Here are resources from that event.
- Getting Started with IPM Evaluation Planning: The Logic Model, Al Fournier, IPM Program Manager, Arizona Pest Management Center, University of Arizona
- Community Readiness Model: Using Qualitative Data to Improve Outreach and IPM Adoption, Deborah J. Young, Director, Colorado IPM Center, Colorado State University
- But impacts are not the only things that can or should be measured, Pete Goodell, Cooperative Extension Advisor, IPM, UC IPM, Kearney Ag Center
- Documenting and Measuring Collaboration, Jean Haley, Evaluation Specialist, Northcentral IPM Center