
We fund new IPM research and outreach every year

The Western IPM Center offers grants in several categories.

Our annual grant cycle is open and proposals are being accepted through December 6 for our 2025 annual grant program.

Planning document and economic analysis grants, student fellowships and limited special issues funding is available year-around.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates about funding opportunities offered by the Center or other organizations. Here is an overview of our grant categories and open RFAs:


Western IPM Center Annual Grants (Open - Download the RFA)

These fund the following project types:

Project Initiation Grants (up to $40,000 per year)

These grants launch new IPM ideas such as proof-of-concepts preliminary experiments. Projects must demonstrate strong potential for success. Project initiation grants can help researchers develop the preliminary data needed to successfully compete for large research-specific grants.

Work Group Grants (up to $40,000 per year)

Work group grants bring together diverse groups to address regional IPM priorities. They address information, resource and research needs in region-wide or broad-area categories and enhance communication and collaboration within the region. Work groups may also develop funding proposals to address critical issues in the West. Previously funded work groups must apply for renewal funding each year.

Outreach and Implementation Grants (up to $40,000 per year)

Outreach and implementation projects build on previous IPM research by providing outreach to encourage implementation of IPM practices. Examples include workshops, demonstration projects, printed documents and on-line IPM resources. A primary goal of these projects is the increased adoption of IPM practices in agricultural, community or natural settings.

A webinar will be held November 7 to go over the RFA and answer questions. Tune in here


Planning Document and Economic Analysis of IPM Systems RFA (Open, funds available)

IPM planning documents to advance IPM research and adoption. Planning document grants are up to $15,000 and can be used to produce Pest Management Strategic Plans, Integrated Pest Management Strategic Plans, Pest Management Plans for First Nation Food Sovereignty Initiatives, and Economic Analyses of IPM Systems. Proposals are considered on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted, so there is no deadline to apply.

Here are descriptions of these documents:

Pest Management Strategic Plans and Integrated Pest Management Strategic Plans are developed with growers and other stakeholders to identify the pest management needs and priorities of a particular commodity or site through a process that ensures broad stakeholder input, fosters new collaborations and provides valuable baseline data that can be used to assess progress and analyze costs and benefits.

Economic Analyses of IPM Systems focuses on the economic impacts associated with IPM practices in commodity, industry, system, sites or settings. The economic analyses represents an important step in the process of IPM program development and implementation because improved economic outcomes should advance IPM adoption.

Pest Management Priority-setting for First Nation Food Sovereignty Initiatives may query producers, pest management professionals, IPM practitioners or other pest management stakeholders to gather information about the current pest management methods and challenges in a particular commodity, system, site or setting.


Student Fellowship Program RFA (Open, funds available)

This program by the Western IPM Center seeks to actively support early career IPM professionals and practitioners in their search for educational opportunities and networking experiences by providing fellowships of up to $1,000 to help students gain a deeper understanding of a wide variety of technology, pest management, sustainability, business and government issues.


Special Issues Grants (Open, funds available) 

This funding is available to respond to time-sensitive issues that cannot wait until the next regular grant cycle. Projects must be completed within one year of funding and be single-issue oriented. Awards are capped at $5,000 and funds are available until exhausted.